July 25-27, 2025
We strive to provide the best tournament for the players, parents, and clubs in the Pacific Northwest. Our commitment holds true this summer. We want this year to be a great experience for everyone as we return to summer tournament play. Listed below are just a few of the reasons we feel the Crossfire Select Cup should be at the top of your summer tournament list.
3-day tournament (Friday-Sunday)
Game durations: 50 min. for U9-U12, 60 min. for U13+.
28 beautiful grass fields located at one location: 60 Acres Soccer Park
280+ teams expected from across the Northwest
Excellent tournament for Select Teams (District and State) with like-vs-like competition.
Tournament pin for every player, and quality medals and trophies for champions and finalists
U9-U10 – 7 vs 7 Fee $695
U11-U12 – 9 vs 9 Fee $775
U13-U19 – 11 vs 11 Fee $850
The website to purchase parking is up and live. All vehicles need to pre-purchase a parking pass for the weekend and the pass is good for the whole weekend and all parking lots at the field. Please send this link out to your families who are driving to purchase parking passes. There is a cap on parking passes, so please do not wait to purchase. To Purchase a Parking Pass click here: Crossfire Select Cup 2024
Please Note: We encourage families to carpool or, if you plan to stay long hours, to get an Uber or dropped off. Trucks will be parked in the hillside parking lot. Cars will be towed who park in the bike lane along the street on NE 116th st.
We are not a stay-and-play tournament, so you're welcome to book any of the exceptional hotels in the Redmond area.
Check out experienceRedmond.com for a complete list of hotels.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us tournamentdirector@crossfireselect.com.

15200 NE 116th St., Redmond, WA 98052
Parking is available in the lots surrounding the north fields at 60 Acres, or in the large lot found at the south fields. There is NO parking in the small lot near field 23. That lot is reserved for people using the trail and users will be towed! Drop offs in that lot are also not allowed.